Federico Mazzoni


Hi! I work at Domotz, integrating new AI solutions within the company's framework. My background is in Data Science, and for a while, I've been a PhD Fellow in AI at the University of Pisa. On this page, you'll find the projects I've undertaken over the years, whereas here you can find my up-to-date CV.

Feel free to drop an email or add me on LinkedIn! I always love going out of my comfort zone and learning something new.

My Portfolio

Academic Projects

These are the projects I worked on during my PhD.

Out of GenFair, a Master’s student from my University developed her own algorithm, SafeGen, which I supervised, and I experimented with GenBalance. Respectively, they focused on fairness + privacy, and fairness + imbalanced learning. I also developed two simple tools that found their way into Frank, Simple Counterfactual and FairCheck.

Personal Projects

These are my more personal projects. :)

Test Projects

Here are the projects I developed either as a test, or when I was an University student. The code might be a little dirty!